The Sports Nutrition Interest Group (SNIG) is open to any individual with an academic or professional interest in sports nutrition, hydration and/or dietetics. The aims of this group are to provide an informal forum for discussions, opportunities, collaborations and problem solving in these and other related fields. Over the course of a year there are opportunities for this group to meet virtually, as well as at the annual ECSS congress. The SNIG is hosted by the Gatorade Sports Science Institute, proud sponsors of ECSS for over 10 years.
Date: Thursday, 4 July
Time: 18:30-20:30 (during Poster Session)
Lecture Room: M1
Caroline Tarnowski
Gatorade Sports Science Institute
Leicester, United Kingdom
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Dr. Rebecca Randell
Associate Prinicpal Scientist
Gatorade Sports Science Institute
Leicester, United Kingdom
Dr. Ian Rollo
Principal Scientist
Gatorade Sports Science Institute
Leicester, United Kingdom
Dr. James Carter
Senior Directo
Gatorade Sports Science Institute
Leicester, United Kingdom